
18 05, 2016

Making Time For Family Time

"If you want your children to turn out well, spend twice as much time with them, and half as much money." - Abigail Van Buren Family time is a rhythm. The rhythm of your family time is not constant; it changes with the season. Every time you move, change jobs, or modify your routines, your family rhythm will change, too. Staying flexible with [...]

12 05, 2016

The Father Fitness T-Shirt

Wearing the Father Fitness T-Shirt has a positive impact on my parenting skills. When I put this shirt on my chest, it feels like I'm suiting up in my superhero costume. (Yes, I happen to know a thing or two about suiting up in my superhero costume.) When it's Daddy Time, my children look to me to set the pace, the mood, and the activities [...]

3 04, 2016

Born For This Book Review

Born For This: How to Find The Work You Were Meant To Do is the latest from author and world traveler Chris Guillebeau, a man who could probably win the Guinness World Record for "most traveled man alive" if he ever goes into space. During his journey to visit all 193 countries around the globe, Chris has met with many unconventional people, documenting their unconventional lives [...]